About the Author Filia Pater
Excerpt: Filia Pater is the nom de plume of a father - daughter duo. You can read about their backgrounds below.
As poetic a name as 'Filia Pater' may be, for anyone with knowledge of Latin, it will be immediately evident that 'Filia' means 'daughter' and 'Pater' means 'father'. As authors of this novel, we have no intention of misleading the reader into thinking that this name is anything but a nom de plume. And that the authors of this book are anything but a father and daughter, for whom this project was an unprecedented opportunity to connect.
The 'Filia' half of the authors of this novel is a devoted daughter who studied creative writing and psychology at a US liberal arts college, during which time she worked at a literary agency based in New York City as a book editor. Following the completion of her master's degree, she then went on to become a corporate and commercial lawyer. She has a passion for law within the context of the financial services sector.
The 'Pater' half of the authors of this novel is a caring father with a strong academic background in science, history, and philosophy. Having completed a master's degree at the Swiss Institute of Technology mentioned in the novel, he has spent his career working as an entrepreneur, founding several businesses. He has a passion for conspiracies and hopes to come up with new ones during his retirement.
Needless to say, they are Swiss citizens… and are sending you their love.