Extended Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2024 by Filia Pater. All rights reserved.

No part of Conspiracy Suisse (the novel in all media versions) and ConspiracySuisse.com (the website) may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, please contact us.

Conspiracy Suisse has been registered with the U.S. Copyright Office with Application Number 1-13621480771 Dated March 15, 2024.

Conspiracy Suisse cover illustration has been copyrighted. Copyright © 2024 by Filia Pater. All rights reserved.

Conspiracy Suisse logo (as seen at the top-left of this webpage) has been copyrighted. Copyright © 2024 by Filia Pater. All rights reserved.

Book Disclaimers

General Disclaimer

Conspiracy Suisse (the novel) is a work of fiction. The novel’s story and characters are fictitious. While certain long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, and with the exception of historical public figures, the characters involved and their names are wholly imaginary and any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental. The opinions expressed in the book are those of the fictitious characters and should not be confused with the authors’. While certain events and incidents similar to those mentioned in the novel are publicly known to have taken place, these have merely been used for inspiration, and there is no direct resemblance of any of the characters in the book with people who may have been involved in those events and incidents. The story must not be construed to be related to any real-life institution or business, past or present, or events or incidents in their past.

Specific Disclaimer Regarding Credit Suisse

As noted above, Conspiracy Suisse is a work of fiction and not based on a true story. In particular, it is not the story of Credit Suisse. However, parts of the story have been inspired by the history of and events that are publicly known to have taken place at Credit Suisse. Thus, while SWB of the novel is not Credit Suisse and there is no direct resemblance of any of the characters in the book with people who may have been involved in the events surrounding the acquisition of the actual bank or otherwise with the bank, there are certain similarities between the fictional story of the book and the real history of the bank. The factual information that inspired certain parts of the novel is based on information published by Credit Suisse itself, public (free) media sources, and publicly accessible court proceedings. Should parts of this information cease to be available on the Internet, they can be verified through Internet archives such as Wayback Machine that they were in the public domain.

Specific Disclaimer Regarding Third-Party Publications

As explained in the blog post Emanation Story of the Novel, the idea for part of the historical conspiracy, that knights were involved in the formation of Switzerland, was born in 1985. The book itself was written in 6 years with the outline having been completed in 2018. Three years after that date, we came across a History Channel program where this idea was propagated. Based on references from this program we obtained the 1998 published book “The Warriors and the Bankers” written by Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe, where the idea that “Switzerland is the homeland of the Knights Templar” is discussed. While no idea expressed in Conspiracy Suisse originated from that book, we nevertheless wish to acknowledge that they were partially conveyed in the mentioned book by Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe. We paid utmost attention that our text did not plagiarize their work.

As Butler and Dafoe themselves state in their book, “tales of white-clad knights assisting the first struggling Swiss Cantons” have always existed in Swiss historical retelling. In the November/December 2014 issue of Atlantis Rising Magazine article “William Tell And The Templar Nation: What Was the Real Origin of the Swiss Banking Empire?” Steven Sora explains how this speculation existed throughout centuries in Swiss history. As speculation is not subject to copyright protection, we wish to express that by including the above acknowledgment we have fairly and adequately credited authors Butler and Dafoe for the idea of the Knights Templar having helped with the formation of Switzerland.

As authorsalliance.org explains, “Ideas and themes cannot be copyrighted, although the expression of a particular idea or theme can be. In other words, when a fictional work involves a particular concept, a later work’s use of this concept cannot form the basis of an infringement claim, though copying the words used to express the idea or theme could constitute infringement.” We paid maximum attention to staying clear of that. We are referring to the article What’s not protected: copyright for fiction authors for examples of cases where courts refused to provide copyright protection for ideas and themes. In that sense, if you decide to use one of the ideas or themes expressed in Conspiracy Suisse, without copying the expression of that particular idea or theme, go ahead and do so. We will be happy if you inform us of your work so we can revel in it.

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