A young woman signalling gratitude as imagined by Midjourney AI

Book Credits

Special thanks to my editor and beta readers, whose invaluable feedback and unwavering support have transformed my words into a journey worth taking.
Book cover illustration created with Midjourney V5.2 extensively edited by Josué Machado.
TFArrow-Medium font used under commercial license from Treacyfaces Inc. on book cover and other printed media #8903-1483160782-TFArrow_Medium_005502A_PrintAndWeb
Conspiracy Suisse is protected by international copyright laws. All rights reserved. Please refer to the page: Legal for details.
All rights not expressly claimed herein are retained by their respective owners, including third parties that we use the services of such as Amazon, KDP, Audible, Voicedscripts, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Spring, AI101.
Conspiracy Suisse was written by human beings. No AI tools were used for the creation of the book, except for the conception of the cover illustration.
Please refer to the page: Legal for disclaimers regarding topics that are the subject matter of the book.

Website Credits

Hero image background Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik
Website designed using WordPress based on Rara Themes template with plugins Google reCaptcha, Akismet Anti-Spam, All in One SEO, bbPress, Social Media and Share Icons, WP Super Cache, WPForms Lite, MonsterInsights, Autoptimize, WP-Sweep and hosted by DreamHost
TFArrow-Medium font used under commercial license from Treacyfaces Inc. for headers #8903-1483160782-TFArrow_Medium_005502A_PrintAndWeb
Roboto font by Christian Robertson commissioned to Google used for all paragraph text
Website illustrations and images created with Midjourney V5.2
Promotion video created with Canva
AI Chatbot provided by AI101.com
Feedback tool provided by kissorsplat.com
ConspiracySuisse.com is protected by international copyright laws. All rights reserved. Please refer to the page: Legal for details.
FiliaPater.com is protected by international copyright laws. All rights reserved.
All rights not expressly claimed herein are retained by their respective owners, including third parties that we use the services of such as Amazon, KDP, Audible, Voicedscripts, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Spring, AI101, Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Pinterest, Whatsapp, YouTube.
ChatGPT by OpenAI was used for summarizing and re-writing limited parts of this website. Some blog posts are based on public reports of Reuters.
Please refer to the page: Legal for terms of use and topics that are the subject matter of articles on the website.